Article was originally posted in 2016 on

Resentment can change the course of history.

After 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela let go of anger at his tormenters to unite all the people of South Africa. Nelson Mandela said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

After reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s article in Oprah’s magazine August 2016 issue, I wondered why the author of the article did not credit the original source. 

I did want to hedge the issue of race but it is necessary to give credit where credit is due. 

The concept of crabs in the bucket/barrel was first mentioned in early literature by Booker T. Washington in his 1901 autobiography Up From Slavery and later by Marcus Garvey, The Negro’s Greatest Enemy in Current History (September 1923). 

The concept paints a perfect illustration of members of a race or group trying to climb out but others won’t let them escape.

I’m certain the concept is not new but it is a constant human experience that pulls us closer to our past and makes our dreams seem further out of reach.

The trap often hinders you from being successful at trying to get out of debt, heal from a bad relationship, get over an addiction or recover from a mental or health challenge, or start a business or ministry while working a 9-5 job and/or managing your family.

What if the crabs in the bucket are family or friends? 

One thing I did agree with Elizabeth Gilbert in her article was that as you are fighting your way out of the bucket look behind one last time to see if another young ambitious cousin crab is desperately trying to climb the wall of freedom too.  

The point is to take a loyal family member or friend with you who is trying to escape the trap or crab in the bucket mentality surrounding them.

Let’s back up for a short moment and analyze this concept. 

Why does the crab in the bucket/barrel mentality exist?

How can we overcome it and not get stuck in our personal and professional relationships? 

When we look at the concept of crabs in the bucket we have to look at our past and consider another person’s past as well. 

As I have mentioned in previous blogs about how being able to identify what’s keeping you stuck and how cultivating forgiveness can help you heal.

We have to understand that when we embrace change and begin to escape the many traps we are facing there will be resistance from other people who are not on the same page as you. 

It may be weeks, months or even years before they embrace their own truth and acknowledge you.  

Unconditional freedom comes when you are able to move forward without getting caught up in other people’s emotions and love them through their pain

Until they are able to move past it one day.

Life challenges will never stopped happening.  

Perhaps we stopped listening to the moments in which God was speaking and showing us the plan. 

Or something or someone got in the way of your momentum….

A responsibility, health issues or major life event. (traps and crabs in the buckets)

Challenges and circumstances will always happen. 

Don’t let them get in the way of your dreams and transformation. 

Find support and move forward post haste!

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Is life giving you everything you had hoped for this year?

Are your dreams coming to pass?

Or do you feel like your dreams are stalled?

Have you evaluated what is going wrong?

In my work as a life coach, I can help you to evaluate what’s keeping you stuck and identify things that are getting in the way. 

It’s Time to Transform Your Life and Business!

Please don’t be silent about what’s keeping you stuck.

Let me help you plan ahead as you embrace your new season or transition. 

Let’s slay the crabs in the bucket and transform your life and business today!