Be you unapologetically 

Some people will not want to hear your story.

– Seen as aggressive or people may look to your weaknesses but I encourage you to look to your strengths.  

There are people who have faced challenges and are not afraid to share their story.  

But when people are out of touch with reality and feel afraid of what they do not understand or are lying to themselves, it’s the dichotomy of them vs. us.  

When we are us.  

Because I am because we are.  

That Sankofa principle resonates with everyone no matter what race or religion, mental health status or socioeconomic status a person belongs to.  

If one suffers we all suffer.

It is refreshing to connect with people who get that.  

I was hoping that I would find that community among some people but maybe not yet.  

Maybe not yet. 

Among some people?

My ex-husband felt unsafe around some people.  

I told him that he may be the problem.  

I was wrong to say that without validating his feelings.  

I understand because after sharing with my coworkers at work that I was facing some mental health challenges around moving and dealing with mold – having to adjust one lady started coughing like she was having a panic attack and the other got really quiet with a gloom look.  

It felt weird but I won’t apologize for being myself and vulnerable. 

That’s just me.  

I don’t shy away from sharing my feelings.  

I am high functioning and very intelligent.  

Yes I faced some crisis lately – my family and I were living in a home with mold that appeared very quickly a few years ago. 

A slow mold growth from the hurricane then a quick leak grew it quickly.  

We had to relocate to another city. 

We have been welcomed by many people. 

Philippians 1:6

Don’t give up.

Cliché, right?

If you have ever seen a dog chasing his tail, you would laugh out loud or shake your head.  

Foolish behavior but the dog may be on to something.

He never gave up on his goals.

What appeared impossible to others became a success to the dog because after he chased his tail, he touched it with his nose and took a break.


Your goal may be to start your own business, lose weight, get married, travel abroad, become a better parent, sustain when life keeps happening, etc.  

Those are just a few examples.

Things won’t change overnight.  

TIP: Keep the momentum going by celebrating every step of the way.


I’m guessing you have a schedule, routine and some habits that have helped you survive so far.

The plunge to reach your goals takes more than survival.

TIP: Consistency is the key to making any progress when you get started.

If you experience a disability, whether physical or mental, it can be discouraging to stay consistent in your journey to success especially when life keeps happening.

Press towards your higher calling in Christ. Philippians 3:14


  • Speak words of encouragement to yourself when you feel like throwing in the towel.
  • Get out of bed when you feel like hiding from the world.
  • Learn from your failures instead of turning the failure into a negative.
  • Stay committed to yourself and the vision of God’s plan for you.

God created you and your family for success.

He is faithful to complete what He already designed you to do.

Stay blessed and encouraged!


 Originally posted on